Invited to contribute to the Kluwer Mediation blog and the Huffington Post, Mia writes on a variety of topics, including conflict resolution, difficult conversations, perfectionism and goal-setting. She provides insights on mediation and advice designed to help readers and organisations reach their potential.
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How FBI empathy can revolutionise difficult conversations this Christmas. (My Christmas Gift to you)
“Your family made your buttons, so of course they know how to push them!” Myles Barrett Spending time with family brings different words to mind for different people: fun, love, joy excitement, sharing … sometimes. And at other times… different words… perhaps...

Our Controversial Sexual Harassment Case Study
Anna Stobart and I were recently asked by a prominent Human Resources journal to provide an example of what a mediation around sexual harassment could look like and how it might work. The editors (respected HR professionals) came back to us and said that they all...

Making New Year’s Resolutions that actually work!
Happy New Year! As we hurtle towards the middle of January, how are your new year’s resolutions holding up? Have you even made any yet? If you’re looking to make a transformation in your life this year, there’s one important thing to remember: Setting the wrong goal...

3 book recommendations to educate and inspire over the festive period
If you have some down-time over the Christmas period, there can be nothing nicer than settling down with a good book. And if you’re at a loss for Christmas presents for those difficult to please people, read on. I’d like to share with you three great reads that will...