Finding Better
Solutions Together
Mia is a skilled CEDR accredited Mediator and Facilitator. Building on her unique experience in law, negotiation, science and regulation, she approaches mediation as a process in which every party should win.
Creating effective and engaging conversations. Mia has worked as a facilitator supporting dialogue in a wide range of contexts including individuals, companies, NGOs, governments, and in a religious context.
As your trusted confidante, I will help you find balance, energy and fulfilment. I will help you develop more good times but also help you find solid strategies to deal with difficult times.
About Mia
A skilled international facilitator, mediator and coach, Mia has worked with governments, directors restructuring organisations, religious organisations, Members of Parliament, and advised the US Department of Energy on using facilitated negotiation to develop controversial legislation. She has spoken at Chatham House on how culture and identity impact conflict resolution.

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