Happy New Year! As we hurtle towards the middle of January, how are your new year’s resolutions holding up? Have you even made any yet?
If you’re looking to make a transformation in your life this year, there’s one important thing to remember:
Setting the wrong goal is a recipe for failure!
Resolutions that are set because you feel you ‘should’ be a certain way are unlikely to last. For change to stick and make a real impact on your life, it needs to be aligned with who you are and to be meaningful to you. If you repeatedly set goals that you fail to meet most people break the bond of trust with themselves, making it more difficult the next time they want to make a change.
It can be useful to consider the difference between a target and a goal.
A target is aspirational. It reflects what you want from your life. For example, losing ten pounds in weight is an aspirational target.
Focus on the process.
A great goal, on the other hand, is something you have control over. It’s the process you intend to take to reach your target. For instance, doing 30 minutes of exercise three times a week. You can feel satisfied for achieving that – no matter what the consequences on your weight. You may then need to re-adjust if your aspirations are not being met, but what you have committed to is under your control.
Sound simple? But it’s still not going to work if it’s not something you really want.
What’s most important to you?
Your target should be aligned with your life’s purpose (what’s most important for you to achieve in your life?). Your goals are the steps that will get you there.
If you’d like to read more about how to rethink and reframe your resolutions to give you the best possible chance of success, take a look at this article, published in an issue of The Best You Magazine last year.
If you already know what your resolutions are for this year, I’d love for you to share them with the community over in my health and wellbeing group on Facebook. Sharing our intentions publicly gives them power!
With love for a happy and healthy 2018.